Esther is a sad example of how horribly humans can harm the body and the mind of a dog through neglect and abandonment. Poor tiny little Esther was dumped at an urban shelter with a mammary tumor the size of a golf ball and in the beginnings of congestive heart failure. Little Esther was left to wait to die in her cage on the concrete floor where she was set to be euthanized for her poor health - alone and afraid. Luckily - fate intervened and sent a guardian angel to meet her gaze and she was soon rescued and given a chance for life and proper vetting. Thankfully she found her way into our loving home - into our loving arms and our pack welcomed her with open arms. Esther showed us everyday that she wanted nothing more than to be by our side - living her new life to the fullest.
Esther successfully made it through surgery to remove two large masses.

We are sad to say that Esther has since passed on over the rainbow bridge. Her presence is still missed in the house - her smiling face looking up to us - her little toenails clipping across the wood floor - her demanding high pitched bark letting us know that it was time to eat! Esther was part of every moment in our lives and it will be hard to adjust to her being gone. Esther followed only one week behind our mascot Vesper. They were soulmates until the end and beyond. R.I.P little lady Esther - we will see you again someday...