Grace's story is all too familiar. Grace was listed in a classifieds ad. Her "owners" had gotten her from a relative who had used her for breeding for six years and then they also used her for breeding because their male pug was getting older and they wanted to make another one. Such careless, selfish and crude people do not deserve to even own a dog. To keep a living being in squalor and use their body for their own purposes is a disgusting act.
Grace was malnourished and very underweight. She was covered in fleas from her gnawed off tail tip to the folds in her eyelids. She was one little mass of patchy fur and bald red, irritated skin.
The collar that she was wearing was so tight that it had worn her fur off of her whole neck. She was used and abused and discarded in a classifieds ad. Luckily for Grace, a guardian angel found her and delivered her to us.

We wasted no time and immediately began bathing her with flea and tick shampoo with oatmeal and aloe. It took two baths just to rid her of the horrible flea infestation.
And after worming and vetting, spaying and lots and lots of good meals and skin supplements and antibiotics for a urinary tract infection...Grace had nothing left to do but enjoy her new life of retirement here in her newfound pack.