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Esther, a new life, a new day

We both commented last night about how different she now looks in the few weeks she has been with us. Her coat is shining, her eyes are bright and alert. She has a zest to life that was not there before. If she is ever going to be ready for this surgery…it is now. The universe complied with our hopes and she now has her chance for freedom from her discomfort and sickness. It is now…it is today… and, “Brave little Esther – as I drove away thinking about your tiny angelic face framed in the doorway as I looked back one more time – as I cried for the unknown …I remembered then how much love you have and how many prayers have been said for you – for this chance – for today…you have never been alone since you found us…” Esther is loved.Best news to hear hours after your dog has had surgery...

“She is up in her cage and walking around…”

Just got home from having her drain removed. The doctor was very happy with how she is doing and was surprised when she put up such a fight for the drain removal. Eric had to sacrifice his hand again to what teeth she does have as she gnawed on him to try to get free. All in all it went on without a hitch and she is drain free and happy to be done with another vet appointment. And I KNOW it is bad…but somehow…when the ‘torture’ was over and Esther spun around on that table to find safety in my arms…even though we were all on the same team in that room for Esther – Doctor, Eric and myself…I can’t say that it didn’t feel good to know that Esther finds safety in mama’s arms…makes ya feel kinda special… “Lil Esther girl – you are a star!”

Esther will be getting her stitches out tomorrow afternoon. The incision looks GREAT! She has been unstoppable around here – cruising around at new speeds with new agility – looking for yummy snacks at every turn – keeping both eyes firmly fixed on Mama – making sure that she doesn’t miss a thing! It is like she knows now that she has been given a new life and she can finally begin to trust us humans again – knowing that we can also give life – not just throw it away. She has decided to take advantage of every second that she has discovered in this new place of promise. Esther is one lucky girl to even be given this opportunity to renew her faith in the two legged species. We are so lucky to have been able to recover this pure little beautiful spirit and witness even a day of her splendor. We – who reside with these sub-human creatures who neglect and abandon needy small animals who they once called ‘pets’ should not be so lucky. Luck be a Chihuahua named Esther and I feel blessed for every moment that I am with her – the object of her desire. Animals are so amazing. With them – when we believe – we can make magic happen and then live to love the splendor forever. My little love – Esther lives for the now and will not let go of this gift that is life. Wise little dog.

My little baby doll Esther sweetheart is staple/stitch free. Esther can now enjoy a more comfortable life without her horrible masses under her tiny body. Esther runs now on her little legs – her knees bowed out from having to live so long with the obstruction – but now without the weight and difficulty of carrying that mass. To think that two weeks ago I was preparing myself to lose this little precious life – this innocent and struggling spirit – it seems so far away now. To think that a week ago I was getting ready for her to undergo the most crucial surgery in her life – it seems now not so near. And to think that a month ago – I was just being introduced to the possibility of loving something so tiny – so needy – so delicate and frail – and being able to give of my strength for this little being – just realizing how much I could learn from a creature so down on their luck – looking at nothing but ends and finales – TO THINK that this 5 lb dog has taught me to LIVE in the moment – for it is our everything! Life is truly a gift….a present that is whatever you make it. Thank You Esther – may I live up to the expectations that gave you a reason to go on… I will… I promise…

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